Background/History: The origins of the woman known as Passeridae are a mystery to most everyone, including Passeridae herself. Brief examinations have shown her to be a bio-mechanical construct of incredibly advanced design—far beyond the skills of most of the world's technological innovators. Even more interesting is Passeridae's brain—it is wholly organic and looks to of human origin, leading many to wonder where it came from—and what happened to the original body housing it. For a time, Telios was suspected as being the person behind Passeridae's creation—until he publicly declared otherwise, right before attempting to capture her. Passeridae herself claims to have vague memories of a woman named "Lynda Bishop," of flying in (or piloting directly) an aircraft, of helping people, of something terrible happening.... Investigations into possible Lynda Bishops have turned up one promising lead: a bush pilot out of Alaska who was part of an flying ambulance crew. She and her crew vanished in a snowstorm, and no trace of the plane has ever been found.
Personality/Motivation: In keeping with her former life (or so she presumes) as an ambulance pilot, Passeridae does her best to help others in need. She has little to no interest in combat (although her internal processors do seem to include a "battle computer"), but instead performs rescues—especially those of an aerial nature. This can range from getting a cat down from a tall tree to plucking someone trapped in a burning building off of a narrow ledge. As she seems to recall some knowledge of first aid, she will put these skills to use as soon as she can. If attacked, she will defend herself, although she will avoid using her full strength unless she absolutely needs to.
Quote: "Don't panic, I'm here to help."
Powers/Tactics: A highly-advanced bio-mechanical body grants Passeridae a number of powers, such as a superhuman levels of strength, endurance, and overall durability. Her body is highly efficient, requiring minimal food intake (just enough to supply nutrients to her brain), and is adaptable to a wide variety of environments. An internal computer system controls a variety of sensor systems, allowing Passeridae to operate in virtually any sort of weather or at any time of day. Large "wings" sprout from her back. Utilizing advanced microtechnology they operate of the principal of directed thrust, allowing her to fly at extremely high speeds (i.e. nearly 600 mph). Passeridae's biggest problem with her new body is that it might be too efficient—serious injury will certainly be beyond the skills of any normal doctor to diagnose (much less repair), while the densely-packed micro-circuitry has a noticeable tendency to surge and short out when hit with electrical discharges, causing blackouts and unconsciousness.

Appearance: Passeridae is of average height, with a slender build. Her auburn hair is cut short and comes to the edge of her jawline. Her costume consists of a pale pink one-piece sleeveless dress that falls to mid-thigh (and is slit up over the hip on the sides). The dress is open in the back to allow for her wings, which appear as a series of flat panels or panes. Burgundy "sleeves," an ascot, ankle-high boots, and a rope belt complete the outfit.
Designer's Notes: Passeridae was created to go with the accompanying pictures (of some anime/manga character I know not the name of). Starting with the idea that the wings were some sort of bio-mechanical construct, I then filled out the character's powers and abilities accordingly. She's written to fit into the basic Champions Universe, but I feel she's fairly adaptable for any superhero campaign. I wanted Passeridae to be 350 points, but you can see how that ended up. As it is, I had to remove a few powers, which included Reduced Endurance (1/2 END) on her STR, and some form of Self-Repair Nanites (i.e. Regeneration). I've also considered her "battle computer" having all sorts of unknown programs, with might result in her having some sort of speedster/flyer martial art. There's also the idea of her having interal weapons systems—leading the to the visual image of Passeridae's limbs opening up at some point to reveal a host of gunbarrels and the like.
Passeridae needs more skills, but as her mind is somewhat of a blank now, you can easily add those in later as she gains experience and starts to "remember" her former life. If you want to make her 350-points, drop her STR to 30, her PD and ED to 10, her SPD to 5, reduce her Mental and Power Defense to 4, and her Flight to x4 NCM (or there about). Even if that doesn't get her to 350, it should be a good start.
(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)
Passeridae's Hero Designer File
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