Maneuver Points OCV DCV Damage/Effect Beat Down 4 +1 -1 STR +3d6 Strike Block 4 +2 +2 Block, Abort Choke 4 +2 +2 4d6 Crush; Must Follow Grab Disarm 4 -1 +1 Disarm, +10 STR to Disarm Dodge 4 — +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort Elbow/Hook/Pimp Slap/Snipe 3 +2 +1 STR Strike Evil Eye/Jab 5 +1 +3 STR Strike Freedom 4 +0 +0 +15 STR vs. Grabs Grab 4 +1 +1 Grab One Limb, +0 STR for holding on Hail Mary 5 +1 -2 STR +4d6 Strike Headbutt/Plate Cleaner/Uppercut 3 +1 +0 STR +2d6 Strike Headlock 3 -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, +10 STR for holding on Nuts 5 +0 +1 2d6 NND(3) Pins and Needles/Kick 3 +1 +2 STR Strike Poke In The Eye 4 -1 -1 Sight Group Flash 4d6 Powerplay 3 +1 +2 STR +2d6 Strike; Must Follow Grab Spank 3 +2 +2 STR +1d6 Strike; Must Follow Grab Uppercut2 5 +0 +0 STR +3d6 Strike; Target Falls Skills KS: Lunch Money Paramedics (First Aid) Stealth (Hide) WF: Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks WF: Blades WF: Chain & Rope Weapons WF: Clubs WF: Thrown Rocks
In the brawls that spring up in the yard over the lunch money each kid brings to school, it is the girl who fights with the most savagery, the most viciousness, who wins. The little girls, who have practiced their craft, develop the maneuvers and techniques that make up the essence of this art. They tend to be the ones walking away with a jingling purse while their opponents lie bleeding and unconscious on the asphalt behind them.
Hit Locations: The Charging Attack, Diving Attack, and Strike use 3d6 Hit Location rolls. None of the other maneuvers use Hit Location rolls.
Special Abilities: 2-Fer, Backlash, Big Combo, Cooties, Faster (use the Genshin ability, HERO System Martial Arts 114), Hippie, Imaginary Friend, Roundhouse, Spinning Backfist, Stomp, Tantrum, Time Out, Wedgy, Weird.
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 3
Skill Roll Penalty: -3
Description: Some of the most potent playground warriors learn to anticipate their opponent’s attack, and counter it by making a savage preemptive strike. (This ability uses the optional rules for HTH Reflection from 6E1 273, so it requires the GM’s permission.)
Target: One character
Duration: Constant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 2
Skill Roll Penalty: -2
Description: This attack requires that its original user either Grab an opponent or be the target of a successful Grab. The target of Cooties immediately begins to take damage on each subsequent Phase until unconsciousness or until she transmits the Cooties to another opponent. The only way to be rid of Cooties is to touch an opponent, either by Grabbing or Blocking them or by being Grabbed or Blocked by them, which transmits the Cooties to that opponent and relieves the previous carrier of its subsequent effects.
Target: All characters within 10m
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 6
Skill Roll Penalty: -6
Description: By designating one combatant in a melee as the Hippie, the skilled provocateur can cause them to become the target of free attacks by all of the other combatants.
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
END Cost: 3
Skill Roll Penalty: -3
Description: Playground warriors of legendary skill are said to attract supernatural attention, giving them a potent weapon in the schoolyard melees, a spiritual assistant that fights after they are spent.
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 1
Skill Roll Penalty: -1
Description: A girl with this ability can spin around with a fist raised. Starting with one adjacent target, the attacker rolls until one opponent is hit at which point the Spinning Backfist ends.
1) Roundhouse: Increase to Martial Strike 4d6. 6 Active Points; total cost: 3 points.
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 1
Skill Roll Penalty: -1
Description: By stomping on the sensitive part of an opponent’s foot, a girl can weaken her attacker momentarily.
1) Wedgy: By grabbing an opponent’s undergarments and pulling them up, a practitioner can inflict the same weakness until the opponent can dislodge the Wedgy. Remove Instant (-½), and add Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1), Rapid Healing (target can instantly alleviate Drain by escaping from Grab; -1), and Must Follow Grab (-¼). 20 Active Points; total cost: 7 points.
Target: One character
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 1
Skill Roll Penalty: -1
Description: By giving in to her repressed rage, the skilled combatant can fling a series of wild punches, kicks, and so on, and inflict a number of blows upon her target.
1) Big Combo: By exercising a little bit of self-control, the combatant can inflict a smaller number of more powerful blows. Decrease to Autofire (2 shots; +¼) and increase to Martial Strike 4d6. Total cost: 5 points.
2) 2-Fer: By exercising even more self-control, the blows can be inflicted on two opponents. Decrease to Autofire (2 shots; +¼), increase to Martial Strike 4d6, and remove All Attacks Must Be Against The Same Target (-0). Total cost: 5 points.
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Range: Self
END Cost: 2
Skill Roll Penalty: -2
Description: With one well-timed verbal barb or taunt of extreme malice, the trained combatant can discommode an opponent momentarily. The cruelty of children is legendary.
Target: Self
Duration: Instant
Range: No Range
END Cost: 1
Skill Roll Penalty: -1
Description: The playground fighters learn to become unpredictable to their opponents and strange to their peers. This unpredictability serves them well, allowing them to make more devastating attacks.
The Lunch Money Hero Designer File.